1) Motherhood a journey:
Mothers Guilt is the complete journey and once you have stepped in after becoming a mother, what you can do is your time duty. One moment a mother thinks about the food of the baby, another moment she is thinking about the rest of the baby. Every moment passes with the kid’s activity and needs. It is an all-time journey and you have to see the pros and cons of life. But still, the one thing that penetrates a person is the mind level of that person and a mother is always feeling guilty. The guilt of not serving them the better option, not wrapping them accurately, and not fulfilling their every desire. That is in fact part of parenting and it disturbs them a lot. We are there for going to discuss this thing in this article, how mothers can come out of the guilt they feel regarding motherhood.
2) Guilty of little things:
Little things done by mothers are the basic and prior things related to everything. Mothers have to feed the kids, they have to nourish kids with energy and they have to take care of them if they are not feeling well. All these things that a child is unable to do are related to the kid’s life. Mothers feel that if the kid is not feeling well then surely they must have done a mistake if they had done things in such a way it would have been better.
3) Mother’s repent over petty things:
Mothers are always running after so many things and thus they have to complete so many chores and during this, it is quite possible that you can forget anything. I remember once preparing the food for my kid, I forgot to give tissue papers and there was cake inside the lunch so it worried me from the inside. On the other moment, i gave her rice to eat and forgot to place the spoon in the bowl. These types of petty mistakes can make a mother worried and anxious. Though late on you may feel that these petty issues has nothing to do with anything.